We Are a Team We Ship Great Games for Our Players We Are True to Our Word We Are Improving Every Day

Intercept Games

Located in Seattle, Washington, Intercept Games is a new development studio currently focused on the creation of Kerbal Space Program 2. We have a deep passion for space, simulation, strategy, and of course all things video games. Our studio prioritizes an inviting and diverse workplace that pushes creativity and passion for what we do, resulting in games that we can truly be proud of.

Core Values

We Are a Team

We share our vision, our challenges, and our successes. We encourage healthy and respectful debate to create our common goals, and then we wholly commit ourselves as a team to their completion. We look out for each other and our community. We foster a culture of mutual respect regardless of race, ethnicity, faith, sexuality, or gender identity.

We Ship Great Games
for Our Players

We create and ship truly great games that our customers love to play, that we are proud to put our names on, and that deliver an exceptional experience throughout their lifetimes.

We Are True to Our Word

We communicate honestly and clearly with ourselves, our partners, and our players. When we make a commitment, we know it is our responsibility to see it through.

We Are Improving Every Day

We are here to learn and open to new ways of thinking, working, and creating. We encourage and expect this growth in ourselves as individuals and as a team.

Job Openings